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This is your invitation to join the first Internet radio network of its kind, one owned by its members: You, the schools.

The IBS Student Radio Network, by Backbone

backbone radio standard iconThe IBS Student Radio Network, by Backbone is becoming one of the most important organizations in broadcasting. It offers you resources that will simplify your operation, add content to your programming, lower your costs, and provide you new revenue opportunities.
(What is a radio network?)

Early in 2007 The Intercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) and Backbone Networks created the framework for the IBS Student Radio Network, by Backbone. It's goal was to create a true radio network that could take advantage of all the interactivity the Internet could provide. Based on Backbone's advanced client-server technology, we created a flexible network that would allow all schools to share all sorts of audio content with one another, both live streams and recorded materials, as well as have access to third party providers who are anxious to have their music and programs heard by this cutting edge audience.

This young, growing network of student-run stations is redefining what it means to operate a college radio station, and what a radio network really can be. Our goal is for you to be able to share your unique radio content with your sister stations over the network, and gain access to new sources of programming content, including news, music and specialized radio shows. Your network is shaping up to be unlike any Internet venture in history.

Recent Technology and Events
Over the first year or so of operation we've seen a lot of refinement to the technology -- faster connections, more robust streaming, and an all around excellent listener experience. We also have rolled out the first College Radio Tuner for the iPhone platform, so your stations will be among the first in the hands of millions of mobile listeners. And finally, we are seeing a very strong and positive support from the administration and faculties of our member schools. Student Radio is a powerful tool to reach students, their families and their communities.

We invite your school to become an affiliate member
IBS members are invited to participate by setting up primary
and/or alternative IBS-SRN radio stations. Each school is provided
a free license to professional studio automation software (Backbone
Radio Pro) that runs on an Apple Macintosh. Students create
professional multimedia content, schedule automated programs,
conduct live shows, cover remote events, and stream over the
Internet. Backbone provides the transmission servers, as well as the
Network's streaming bandwidth.

As an IBS member (only $125/year), all you pay are the hosting bandwidth charges ($2,700 per year), as well as any required royalties to the appropriate agencies, your station's webcasting will be totally legal and licensed. For more information about IBS Membership please visit their web-site.

Then you need to fill out and submit your application to become a member of IBS/SRN and be a part of this groundbreaking effort.

  • Other Non-Profit?
    Contact us for the right network for your organization's Internet radio station.

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