Super Mombo Quest 遊戲格位
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Super Mombo Quest

backbone controller

Game Description

Super Mombo Quest is an action-packed precision platformer! A metroidvania with classic arcade mechanics, featuring some crazy combat, challenging combos and plenty of collectibles - all in a huge interconnected world! Get the perfect combo in hundreds of levels! Travel through a giant interconnected world made up of hundreds of areas, each with multiple challenging enemies. Some will chase you, some will shoot you, some will fly around… And some are extremely dangerous! Can you be fast enough to defeat them all in a perfect combo? Customize your gameplay with special abilities! Unlock different Mombo forms to reach speeds never before imagined! And use them to your advantage to uncover secrets and make powerful combos! Talk to NPCs, buy items and get upgrades! If you get tired of all the intensity, chill around and chat with the guardians of Subrosa. They will certainly offer items and upgrades so you can challenge yourself even more. Save the lands of Subrosa! Don't let Subrosa be destroyed by the fearsome King of Nightmares. Prove to be the long-awaited prophesied hero. Everyone counts on you and your giant tongue! Are you ready to venture out?

Game Details

backbone controller支援控制器
Backbone One 控制器圖示
Super Mombo Quest支援 Backbone One 等控制器。

使用 Backbone One 暢玩您最喜歡的遊戲

Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器以 3/4s 傾角朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
連接到 Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器的 iPhone 12,Backbone iOS 應用程式中顯示《決勝時刻:Mobile》
連接到 Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器的 iPhone 12,Backbone iOS 應用程式中顯示《決勝時刻:Mobile》
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
Backbone One iOS 遊戲控制器側面朝螢幕斜放,未連接手機
將您的手機變成終極遊戲主機。嵌入即可暢玩任何遊戲或支援控制器的服務,包括 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate、Apple Arcade 等服務,甚或直接從您的 Xbox、PlayStation 或 PC 串流。 無需充電,無需等待更新,無單調乏味的設定。瞬間揭開行動遊戲的新世界。