Game Description
With questions swirling in his mind about why he was created and by who, Izen sets out on a journey to discover his origins. However, as he and those with him pursue answers to this mystery, they fail to notice a shadow creeping up upon them with the intent to stop them dead in their tracks...
- Upgrade Izen's abilities with arm/leg parts, core and chips!
- Activate the armament drive and fight with the support of fairies!
- Add a little spice to life with titles!
- Free arrangement of battle speed and encounter rates!
- Get easy items from fairies that hide in stockings!
- Loads of extra content including a battle arena and more!
* This app supports devices newer than iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad mini 2 with iOS 9.0 and up. User support on non-supported devices is not guaranteed.
Game Details
컨트롤러 지원 | 네 |
Backbone에서 인기
모든 게임 보기컨트롤러 지원됨
RPG Seek Hearts은(는) Backbone One을 포함한 컨트롤러를 지원합니다.
휴대전화를 최고의 게임 콘솔로 변신시키세요. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Apple Arcade 등 컨트롤러를 지원하는 게임이나 서비스를 연결하여 플레이하거나 Xbox, PlayStation 또는 PC에서 직접 스트리밍할 수도 있습니다.
과금도 없고, 업데이트를 기다리지 않아도 되고 지루한 설치도 필요하지 않습니다. 몇 초만에 새로운 모바일 게임의 세계를 경험해 보세요.