Game Description
RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3 (RCT3) is the classic bestselling PC strategy simulation that now brings the fun of a roller coaster park right to your iPhone or iPad!
With a new mobile-friendly UI, the creativity, depth and sophistication of the classic PC game is all here - with NO in-app purchases.
· Create your ultimate theme park in stunning 3D!
· Let your imagination run free in Sandbox mode.
· Play through all 18 scenarios from the original PC game.
· Watch your guests react to your park as you try to make them happy.
· Happy guests earn you more in-game money to build out your parks even more.
· Design your parks using 5 fun themes: Generic, Spooky, Western, Adventure and Sci-fi.
· See every spine tingling detail with fully controllable cameras.
· Grab a front seat for the ride of your life with the jaw-dropping Coaster Cam.
· Cope with challenging objectives, changing weather patterns and enjoy beautiful vistas, sunsets, moonlight, and more.
Game Details
컨트롤러 지원 | 네 |
Backbone에서 인기
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RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3은(는) Backbone One을 포함한 컨트롤러를 지원합니다.
휴대전화를 최고의 게임 콘솔로 변신시키세요. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Apple Arcade 등 컨트롤러를 지원하는 게임이나 서비스를 연결하여 플레이하거나 Xbox, PlayStation 또는 PC에서 직접 스트리밍할 수도 있습니다.
과금도 없고, 업데이트를 기다리지 않아도 되고 지루한 설치도 필요하지 않습니다. 몇 초만에 새로운 모바일 게임의 세계를 경험해 보세요.